HC Deb 28 July 1908 vol 193 c1191
MR. REES (Montgomery Boroughs)

To ask the Under-Secretary of State for India whether the operations of keeping up-to-date the record of rights involved in the last resettlement of the temporarily settled districts of Orissa is being conducted without causing any vexatious interference to the parties concerned.

(Answered by Mr. Buchanan.) It is presumed that the Question has reference to the operations set on foot by the Bengal Government for revising, as the first step in the scheme for their annual maintenance, the village records prepared some twelve years ago at the last land revenue settlement of Orissa. According to the latest Reports the operations are proceeding satisfactorily. The local Government has made the procedure as simple and expeditious as possible, and has confined the work to what is absolutely necessary for bringing the records up-to-date. The settlement officer reports that the revision is welcomed by the ryots and the better class of landlords, as it clears up disputes and gives effect to changes which have occurred since the records were first prepared.