HC Deb 27 July 1908 vol 193 c846
MR. WATT (Glasgow, College)

To ask the First Commissioner of Works who are the tenants of Pembroke Lodge, Thatched House Lodge, and East Sheen Cottage, Richmond Park, on which £1,990 will be expended in the Year ending 31st March, 1909; and of White Lodge, Richmond Park, on which £410 will be spent in the same time; what rents are paid by these tenants; if no rents are paid, who has the nomination of the occupants; are any rates paid to any of the neighbouring boroughs or to the county; and will he in future offer these houses to the highest bidder of the public, so that the outlay on them may be reimbursed to the nation.

(Answered by Mr. Harcourt.) The houses mentioned in the Question are "grace and favour" residences in the possession and in the gift of the King. The Office of Works have no concern in the matter except as regards structural repairs, as in the case of other palaces.