HC Deb 22 July 1908 vol 193 c69

To ask the Postmaster-General whether the compulsory retirement of Miss Bradley some months ago was persisted in because of the recommendation of a Post Office female medical officer of minor qualifications, notwithstanding the certificate of a specialist, Sir William Gowers, to the effect that Miss Bradley's ailment was amenable to treatment and that she would probably become quite well again by carrying out his prescription; whether Miss Bradley pressed for an independent medical examination by a doctor to be nominated by the Post Office; and, if so, why her request was not acceded to; and, seeing that Miss Bradley's sick leave during the last five years was not abnormal and that she is now quite well again, will he take steps to reinstate her in her former employment, as is usually done in the case of male Civil servants similarly situated.

(Answered by Mr. Sydney Buxton.) I have nothing to add to the information which I gave to my hon. friend by letter upon this subject in April last. I must express my great regret that a depreciatory opinion should be expressed in this public manner of a lady medical officer whose high medical skill and attainments are no less obvious to those who know her than her natural kindliness to those members of the staff who become her patients.