HC Deb 20 July 1908 vol 192 c1476
MR. T. F. RICHARDS (Wolverhampton, W.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that open-air political meetings at Brecon have been subjected to disorder and rowdyism by men wearing the uniform of the Territorial Army, and that, upon the police authorities being appealed to to safeguard the peaceful character of the meetings, they refused to interfere; and whether he will make inquiry into the matter with a view to seeming to the people of Brecon the right of holding a peaceful public meeting free from interference by persons wearing His Majesty's uniform.


It appears that at the meeting in question a woman who was speaking made disparaging remarks concerning the Kings uniform. A few men of the Territorial Force and large numbers of civilians who were present protested, but no active interference was made with the meeting. No notice was given of the meeting, or stops would have been taken to prevent the presence of soldiers in uniform.