HC Deb 16 July 1908 vol 192 c1087
MR. J. M. MACDONALD (Falkirk Burghs)

On behalf of the hon. Member for the Hitchin Division of Herts, I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the fact that on Tuesday a witness for the Crown named Calcutt, who is at present undergoing a term of imprisonment in one of His Majesty's gaols, was brought into Court for the purpose of giving evidence in a case now proceeding at the Central Criminal Court without having received any food since he began work at 5.30 a.m., and that the Judge adjourned the case in consequence; and, if so, whether he proposes to take any action in the matter.


The facts are not quite accurately stated. The prisoner was employed in cleaning from 6.5 to 6.50. Breakfast was provided for him at 7.0, but he refused to eat any. He was not put to any further work before leaving for the Court. Although it was his own fault that he had no breakfast, I do not think the arrangements were wholly satisfactory, and instructions have been given to ensure his being properly fed at a later hour before he gives his evidence. He will not do prison work while his examination is going on, and will also have special opportunities for exercise.