HC Deb 16 July 1908 vol 192 c1072
MR. COURTHOPE (Sussex, Rye)

To ask the Secretary of State for War when the scheme for the future employment of quartermasters of the late Royal Engineer Volunteer Corps will be communicated to them.

To ask the Secretary of State for War what decision, if any, has been reached as to the inclusion of quartermasters in the establishment of the Royal Engineer units of the Territorial Force; why the announcement of such decision has been so long delayed; whether the quartermasters of the late Royal Engineer Volunteer Corps will be permitted to attend the camp of their units and to receive pay and allowances this year; and what course will be taken as to the pay and allowances of those Royal Engineer quartermasters who have already this year attended the camp of their units.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) The decision not to include quartermasters in the Royal Engineer units of the Territorial Force, other than certain corps for coast defence, was arrived at before the issue of the Special Army Order of 18th March, and they were not included in the establishment table in that Order. Since then the matter has been further considered and the previous decision was upheld. Accordingly, since 31st March there has been no such appointment as quartermaster in these units, and it is not understood how any persons could have attended the camps of such units as quartermasters.