HC Deb 16 July 1908 vol 192 c1063

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he is aware that the inhabitants of Armoy, County Antrim, have no water supply of any kind, and that people are compelled to use the water of a well beside the Presbyterian burying ground which water has over and over again been condemned by the medical officer of health; that the Ballycastle Rural Council have not taken any steps to provide a proper water supply for the town, although representations have been made to them and to the Local Government Board for the past eight years asking them to take action in this matter; and whether he will put pressure on the Local Government Board to compel the local sanitary authority to remedy this grievance.

(Answered by Mr. Birrell.) Complaints have been made from time to time that the arrangements for the water supply of the town are not satisfactory, and the Local Government Board have brought these complaints to the notice of the rural district council, whose duty it is to see that a proper water supply is provided. It appears that the council have made borings for two pumps, but apparently the supply obtained therefrom is not considered to be sufficient for the needs of the whole town. A formal complaint has recently been made to the Local Government Board under Section 15 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1896, alleging that the rural district council have made default in the matter of providing a proper supply of water for the town, and this complaint is at present under the Board's consideration.