HC Deb 13 July 1908 vol 192 cc421-2
MR. T. F. RICHARDS (Wolverhampton, W.)

I beg to ask the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the case of Dr. Hall Edwards who, although he had lost one hand through his experiments with the X-rays for the relief of suffering humanity, has been compelled to abandon his work in order that he may have his other hand amputated; and whether he can see his way clear to recommend a larger sum than the grant of £120 par annum which has boon made to him.


I have received no information to lead me to believe that Dr. Hall Edwards is in pecuniary need, or that any steps have been taken at the instigation or wish either of himself or of his friends who brought his case to the notice of the late Primo Minister, with a view to an increase being made in the pension awarded to him last year, which was considerably above the average amount usually granted from the Civil List. In those circumstance I think it undesirable to express an opinion as to what the decision would be if an application as suggested in the hon. Member's Question were duly put forward. The total amount of the pensions awardable each year is limited to £1,200, and there are many applicants for them with both legitimate and pressing claims.