HC Deb 13 July 1908 vol 192 cc393-4
MR. H. C. LEA (St. Pancras, E.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War, with reference to the promised disbandment of the 3rd Battalion Coldstream Guards, and his speech in this House on 12th July, 1906, on this subject in which he said with regard to this matter transivit in rem judicatam, but that an interval of time would be necessary before the judgment could be carried out, whether he is now able to inform the House when this long-promised measure of relief to the British taxpayer is to be effected; and, having in view the peaceful state of Egypt, and the fact that there are already a Cavalry regiment and four battalions of Infantry, besides departmental corps, stationed in the country, he will now inform the House when the battalion in question is to be ordered home for disbandment.

*MR. REES (Montgomery Boroughs)

Before the right hon. Gentleman replies, may I ask whether he accepts the implication that the disbandment of regiments which maintain peace in outlying parts of the Empire is likely to prove a measure of relief to the British taxpayer?


That is a subtle question into which I cannot now enter. As to the Question on the Paper I have no further information to give my hon. friend on this subject at present.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that it is now two years since he promised the House that this battalion would be disbanded? I venture now to press him for an assurance that his promise will be carried out.


The battalion is serving a useful purpose in Egypt. I told the House two years ago that that was so, and I cannot put a definite term to their service.


Is it not the fact that the peaceful condition of Egypt is due to the presence of this battalion?


I should be sorry to speculate on that.