§ Sir WILLTAM BRAMPTOX GUEDON reported from the Committee of Selection: That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee A. (in respect of the Handloom Weaving (Ireland) Bill): Mr. Secretary Gladstone, Mr. Herbert Samuel, and Mr. Attorney-General; and had appointed in substitution (in respect of the said Bill): Mr. Birrell, Mr. Solicitor-General for Ireland, and Mr. Attorney-General for Ireland.
§ Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee: That they had added to Standing Committee A. the following fifteen Members (in respect of the Handloom Weaving (Ireland) Bill); Mr. Jeremiah MacVeagh. Mr. Crean, Mr. Kavanagh, Mr. Condon, Sir Walter Nugent, Mr. Thomas Lorimer Corbett, Mr. MacCaw, Mr. Sloan. Mr. Glendinning, Mr. Brocklehurst, Mr. Sears, Mr. Jackson, Mr. M'Callum, Mr. Grayson, and Mr. Russell.
§ Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee: That they had discharged the following Member from Standing Committee 99 B (in respect of the Housing, Town Planning, &c. Bill): Mr. Paulton; and had appointed in substitution (in respect of the said Bill): Mr. Hobhouse.
§ Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee: That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee C. (in respect of the Coal Mines (Eight Hours) (No. 2) Bill): Mr. Soames, Mr. Walker, Mr. Hastings Duncan, Mr. Vivian, Mr. Cave, Lord Willoughby de Eresby, and Colonel Sir Ivor Herbert; and had appointed in substitution (in respect of the said Bill): Mr. Henry, Mr. Hommerde, Mr. Beck, Mr. Albert Stanley, Mr. Hicks Beach, Mr. Bowles, and Mr. Ellis Davies.
§ Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDON further reported from the Committee: That they had added to Standing Committee C. the following fifteen Members (in respect of the Coal Mines (Eight Hours) (No. 2) Bill): Mr. Watt, Sir Clifford Cory, Mr. Walton, Mr. Lupton, Mr. Markham, Mr. James Mason, Mr. Goulding, Mr. Baldwin, Mr. McArthur, Mr. John Wilson, Mr. Enoch Edwards, Mr. Thomas Richards, Mr. Walsh, Mr. Glover, and Mr. Keir Hardie.
§ Reports to lie upon the Table.