HC Deb 09 July 1908 vol 192 cc51-2
MR. OWEN PHILIPPS (Pembroke and Haverford west)

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty if the Admiralty have sent a letter to Pembroke Dock, expressing appreciation of the fact that the first-class cruiser "Warrior," built at the Welsh dockyard, was built cheaper than any other ship of her class, and complimenting the officers and men who contributed to this creditable result.


The Admiralty have sent a letter to the Captain Superintendent of Pembroke Dock, expressing their satisfaction at the saving which has been effected over the approved estimates in the construction of H.M.S. "Warrior."


May I ask whether in view of the saving effected and the fact that a large Naval programme may be anticipated next year, the hon. Gentleman will see that one of the large ships is allotted to this dockyard?

*MR. REES (Montgomery Boroughs)

And bear in mind that our shipbuilding is precisely the same case as our cloth manufacture?

MR. W. THORNE (West Ham, S.)

Will the hon. Gentleman bear in mind the claims of the Thames yard at the East End of London?

MR. JENKINS (Chatham)

Is it not the fact that this is the invariable result of building the ships in H.M. dockyards, and will the Admiralty consider the advisability of completely nationalising the building of war ships, in order that the money thus saved may go towards the old-age pension fund?

MR. MARKHAM (Nottinghamshire, Mansfield)

Does the Admiralty employ commercial travellers for the dockyards?


I can only say that all these suggestions from so many quarters will have our respectful consideration.


May I ask whether the distribution of these contracts can matter if all Admiralty expenditure is, as contended by hon. Gentlemen opposite, unproductive?


That is an argumentative question.