HC Deb 09 July 1908 vol 192 cc78-9

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether any application has been made to the Estates Commissioners in respect to the sale of the Beardsley-Evans estate, near Charleville, County Cork, which is now in the Chief Receiver's Office, Four Courts, Dublin; whether he is aware that the receivers, Messrs. Kincaid, Dublin, entered into negotiations with the tenants headed by their clergyman, Rev. Father Blake, P.P., for the purchase of this property, but failed to proceed with the said negotiation without explanation; and whether, in view of the fact that the receivers are pressing for payment in full of accruing rents and in some cases payment of the hanging gale, contrary to the rules of the estate, and that the nominal owners receive little or no benefit owing to heavy mortgage charges and receivers fees, the Commissioners will communicate with the Land Judge with a view to the purchase of the property in the joint interests of the owners and the tenants.


I am informed by the Registrar of the Land Judge's Court that no proceedings for the sale of this estate are pending in that Court. A receiver was appointed in a Chancery action, and the tenants, at one of his rent collections, made him a verbal offer for purchase which he was about to communicate to the Court when he received notice that the action had been dismissed. He denies having unduly pressed the tenants for rent. The Estates Commissioners are unable to trace the receipt of any application in the matter, but will make inquiries on the subject.


As this is one of the class of estates the Land Judge has ex-pressed his anxiety to deal with, will the Estates Commissioners communicate with the Judge as soon as possible?


There are no proceedings by consent pending for the sale of this estate. A receiver was appointed in a Chancery action, but that action has been dismissed.