HC Deb 08 July 1908 vol 191 cc1634-7
MR. WEIR (Ross and Cromarty)

To ask the Secretary for Scotland if he will state the names of the various farms in the Island of Lewis, the acreage of each such farm, and the date on which in each case the lease expires; and, in view of the fact that the Congested Districts Board have created only thirty-two crofter holdings in the island since the Congested Districts Board Act of 1897 came into force, will the Board make efforts to induce the proprietor to break up some of these farms and assist in the creation of new holdings, especially bearing in mind that on 31st March last the Board had a balance of £40,000, a sum which will be augmented this year by £35,000.

(Answered by Mr. Sinclair.) I am able, by the courtesy of the proprietor, to give my hon. friend the information he desires as follows—

Farms in the Lewis paying above £30 rent.
Farm. Rent. Extent. Lease.
Stornoway Parish:
£ s. Acres
Melbost 90 0 215 Martinmas, 1911.
Holm 132 0 200 Whit-Sunday, 1910.
Stoney field 60 0 165 No lease.
Goathill 95 0 144 Whit-Sunday, 1915.
Manor 178 0 300 No lease.
Laxdale 40 0 38 Whit-Sunday, 1919.
Tong 38 0 360 Whit-Sunday, 1917.
Coll 80 0 2,227 Whit-Sunday, 1916.
Gress farm and mill 131 0 4,228 No lease.
North Tolsta 60 0 2,353 Whit-Sunday, 1916.
Barvas Parish:
South Galson 235 0 6,175 Whit-Sunday, 1923,
Dell lands and mill 68 0 160 No lease.
Dalbeg 50 0 1,930 No lease.
Uig Parish:
Mealista 85 0 5,440 No lease.
Mangersta 70 0 1,920 No lease.
Ardroil 150 0 9,500 Whit-Sunday, 1912.
Timisgary 45 0 5,096 Whit-Sunday, 1912.
Reef 76 10 600 Whit-Sunday, 1910.
Garynahine Hotel lands and fishings 90 0 1,000 Martinmas, 1911.
Croir 40 0 520 Whit-Sunday, 1919.
Linshader 50 0 10,800 Martinmas, 1915.
Lochs Parish:
Arnish 35 0 2,606 Whit-Sunday, 1917.
Crobeg 110 0 4,908 No lease.
Valtos 30 0 580 No lease.

The Congested Districts Board will be glad to co-operate with the proprietor in making new small holdings in suitable areas.