HC Deb 29 January 1908 vol 183 cc88-102

The following Papers, presented by His Majesty's Command during the Recess, were delivered to the Librarian of the House of Commons during the Recess, pursuant to the Standing Order of the 14th August, 1896:—

  1. 1. Trade Reports (Annual Series).—Copies of Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series, Nos. 3917 to 3955.
  2. 2. Trade Reports (Miscellaneous Series).—Copies of Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Miscellaneous Series, Nos. 664 to 666.
  3. 3. Treaty Series (No. 27, 1907).—Copy of International Sanitary Convention. Signed at Paris, 3rd December, 1903. Ratifications deposited at Paris, 6th April, 1907.
  4. 4. Treaty Series (No. 28, 1907).—Copy of Declaration between the United Kingdom and Portugal respecting Boundaries in Central Africa (Barotseland.) Signed at London, 12th August, 1903.
  5. 5. Treaty Series (No. 29, 1907).—Copy of Accession of Ecuador to the Convention signed at Geneva, 22nd August, 1864, for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field, 3rd August, 1907.
  6. 6. Treaty Series (No. 30, 1907).—Copy of Accession of Venezuela to the Convention signed at Geneva, 6th July, 1906, for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field. 8th July, 1907.
  7. 7. Treaty Series (No. 31, 1907).—Copy of Agreement between the United Kingdom and Italy respecting the Importation of Drugs and Medical Preparations. 9th July, 1907.
  8. 8. Treaty Series (No. 32, 1907).—Copy of Accession of the United Kingdom to the Declarations signed at the Hague, 29th July, 1899, respecting (1) Expanding Bullets; (2) Asphyxiating Gases. 30th August, 1907.
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  10. 9. Treaty Series (No. 33, 1907).—Copy of Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America respecting Protection of Patents in Morocco. 24th June, 1907.
  11. 10. Treaty Series (No. 34, 1907).—Copy of Convention between the United Kingdom and Russia relating to Persia, Afghanistan, and Thibet. Signed at St. Petersburg, 31st August, 1907. Ratifications exchanged at St. Petersburg, 23rd September, 1907.
  12. 11. Treaty Series (No. 35, 1907).—Copy of Exchange of Notes establishing a Modus Vivendi between the United Kingdom and the United States of America with regard to the Newfoundland Fisheries. 4th and 6th September, 1907.
  13. 12. Treaty Series (No. 36, 1907).—Copy of Convention between the United Kingdom and Belgium for the Exchange of Money Orders. Signed at London, 17th September, 1907. Ratifications exchanged at London, 5th October, 1907.
  14. 13. Treaty Series (No. 37, 1907).—Copy of Agreement between the United Kingdom and Sweden respecting the Estates of Deceased Seamen. 5th October, 1907.
  15. 14. Treaty Series (No. 38, 1907).—Copy of Accession of Turkey to the Convention signed at Geneva, 6th July, 1906, for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field. 24th August, 1907.
  16. 15. Treaty Series (No. 39, 1907).—Copy of Accessions, etc., of Foreign States to various International Treaty Engagements.
  17. 16. Treaty Series (No. 40, 1907).—Copy of Accession of Nicaragua to the Declarations signed at the Hague, 29th July, 1899, respecting (1) Expanding Bullets; (2) Asphyxiating Gases. 11th October, 1907.
  18. 17. Treaty Series (No. 41, 1907).—Copy of Agreement between the United Kingdom and France, supplementary to Money Order Convention of 21st September, 1887. Signed at Paris, 30th June, 1906. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 23rd October, 1907.
  19. 18. Treaty Series (No. 42, 1907).—Copy of Convention between the United 90 Kingdom and France for the Exchange of Money Orders between the United Kingdom and various French Colonies. Signed at Paris, 30th June, 1906. Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 23rd October,. 1907.
  20. 19. Treaty Series (No. 43, 1907).—Copy of Accession of British Colonies, etc., to the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Nicaragua. Signed at Nicaragua, 28th July, 1905.
  21. 20. Treaty Series (No. 44, 1907).—Copy of Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America, respecting (1) Commercial Travellers' Samples entering the United Kingdom; (2) Import Duties on British Works of Art entering the United States. Signed at London, 19th November,. 1907.
  22. 21. Treaty Series (No. 45, 1907).—Copy of Agreement between the United Kingdom and France, respecting Commercial Travellers' Samples. Signed at Paris, 23rd October, 1907.
  23. 22. Treaty Series (No. 46, 1907).—Copy of International Convention, respecting the Liquor Traffic in Africa. Signed at Brussels, 3rd November, 1906.
  24. 23. Treaty Series (No. 1, 1908).—Copy of Commercial Convention, Protocol and Declaration, between the United Kingdom and Bulgaria. Signed at Sofia, 9th December, 1905. Ratifications exchanged at Sofia, 26th November, 1907.
  25. 24. Treaty Series (No. 2, 1908).—Copy of Agreement, additional to the Commercial Convention between the United Kingdom and Egypt of 29th October, 1889. Signed at Cairo, 16th December, 1907.
  26. 25. International Conference on Sleeping Sickness (Miscellaneous No. 4, 1907).—Copy of Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Sleeping Sickness, held at London in June, 1907.
  27. 26. Second or Upper Chambers in Foreign States (Miscellaneous, No. 5, 1907.—Copy of Reports from His Majesty's Representatives Abroad respecting the Composition and Functions of the Second or Upper Chamber in Foreign States.
  28. 91
  29. 27. International Conference on Sleeping Sickness (Miscellaneous, No. 6, 1907).—Copy of Further Paper respecting the Proccedings of the First International Conference on the Sleeping Sickness, hold at London in June, 1907.
  30. 28. Peace Conference at The Hague (Miscellaneous, No. 1, 1908).—Copy of Correspondence respecting the Second Peace Conference, held at The Hague in 1907.
  31. 29. Sugar Convention (Commercial, No. 10, 1907).—Copy of Correspondence respecting the Additional Act to the Brussels Sugar Convention of 5th March, 1902. Signed at Brussels, 28th August, 1907.
  32. 30. Commercial Convention between Canada and France (Commercial, No. 11, 1907).—Copy of Despatch from His Majesty's Chargé. d'Affaires at Paris, transmitting a Copy of the Convention respecting the Commercial Relations between Canada and France. Signed at Paris, 19th September, 1907.
  33. 31. Russia (No. 1, 1907).—Copy of Convention, signed on 31st August, 1907, between Great Britain and Russia, containing arrangements on the subject of Persia, Afghanistan, and Thibet.
  34. 32. United States (No. 1, 1907).—Copy of Notes exchanged with the American Ambassador on the subject of the Newfoundland Fisheries.
  35. 33. Colonial Reports (Annual).—Copies of Reports, Nos. 536 (Gambia, Annual Report for 1906), 537 (British Central Africa Protectorate, Report for 1906–7), 538 (Bechuanaland Protectorate, Report for 1906–7), 539 (Leeward Islands, Report for 1906–7), 540 (Straits Settlements, Annual Report for 1906), 541 (Turks and Caicos Islands, Annual Report for 1906), 542 (Somaliland Protectorate, Report for 1906–7), 543 (Bahamas, Report for 1906–7), 544 (Barbados, Report for 1906–7), 545 (Trinidad and Tobago, Report for 1906–7), 546 (Grenada, Report for 1906–7), 547 (Mauritius, Annual Report for 1906), 548 (Fiji, Annual Report for 1906), 549 (Jamaica. Report for 1906–7), 550 (British Guiana, Report for 1906–7), 551 (Northern Nigeria, Report for 1906–7), 552 (British Honduras, Annual Report for 1906), 553 (St. Lucia, Report for 1906–7).
  36. 92
  37. 34. Colonial Reports (Miscellaneous).—Copies of Reports, Nos. 42 (Ceylon, Report on the Results of the Mineral Survey in 1905–6 by Professor W. R. Dunstan, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., Director of the Imperial Institute), 43 (Caicos Islands, Report upon the Caicos Islands, with special reference to the further development of the Sisal Industry), 44 (East Africa Protectorate, Report on the Survey Department by Major E. H. Hills, C.M.G., R.E., dated 21st February, 1907), 45 (East Africa Protectorate, Report relating to the Geology of the East Africa Protectorate, by H. Brante-wood Muff, esquire, B.A., of the Geological Survey of Great Britain).
  38. 35. Newfoundland.—Copy of Further Correspondence relating to the Newfoundland Fishery Question.
  39. 36. Australia.—Copy of Despatch from the Governor General enclosing the Navigation Bill, 1907, of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia.
  40. 37. Jamaica.—Copy of Despatch from the Governor relative to the Earthquake at Kingtson, Jamaica, on 14th January, 1907, and the reply thereto.
  41. 38. Canada.—Copy of Papers relative to the Working of Taxation of the Unimproved Value of Land in Canada.
  42. 39. Fiji.—Copy of Correspondence respecting the Tenure of Land in Fiji.
  43. 40. New South Wales.—Copy of Papers relative to the Working of Taxation of the Unimproved Value of Land in New South Wales.
  44. 41. Straits Settlements.—Copies of Reports on the Federated Malay States for 1906.
  45. 42. West Indies.—Copy of a List of the Laws dealing with the Emigration of Labourers from the British West Indian Colonies to Foreign Countries.
  46. 43. Tristan da Cunha.—Copy of Further Correspondence relating to the Island of Tristan da Cunha.
  47. 44. Natal.—Copy of Report of the Native Affairs Commission, 1906–7.
  48. 45. Natal.—Copy of Further Correspondence relating to Native Affairs in Natal.
  49. 93
  50. 46. Transvaal.—Further Correspondence relating to Legislation affecting Asiatics in the Transvaal.
  51. 47. Cyprus.—Copy of Annual Report for 1906–7.
  52. 48. Colonial Office (Reorganisation).—Copy of Despatch to the Governors of the Self-Governing Colonies relative to the Reorganisation of the Colonial Office.
  53. 49. Aliens Act, 1905.—Copy of Return of Alien Passengers brought to the United Kingdom from Ports in Europe or within the Mediterranean Sea during the six months ending 31st December, 1907, together with the number of Expulsion Orders made during that period requiring Aliens to leave the United Kingdom.
  54. 50. Congestion in Ireland (Royal Commission).—Copies of Sixth Report of the Royal Commission on Congestion in Ireland, with Appendix (Minutes of Evidence taken in County Sligo and County Leitrim 17th to 27th April, 1907, and Documents relating thereto), of Seventh Report of the Commissioners, with First Appendix (Minutes of Evidence taken in Ireland 16th May to 11th June, 1907, and Documents relating thereto) and Second Appendix (Statistics relating to Holdings), of Eighth Report of the Commissioners, with Appendix (Minutes of Evidence taken in Kerry and Cork 3rd to 19th July, 1907) and Documents relating thereto, of Ninth Report of the Commissioners, with Appendix (Minutes of Evidence taken in County Mayo 21st August to 3rd September, 1907) and Documents relating thereto.
  55. 51. Historical Manuscripts (Royal Commission).—Copy of Seventeenth Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts.
  56. 52. Historical Manuscripts (Royal Commission).—Copy of Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Marquis of Bath, preserved at Longleat, Wiltshire. Volume III. (Prior Papers).
  57. 53. Mines and Quarries.—Copy of General Report and Statistics for the year 1906. Part II., Labour; General Report and Statistics relating to Persons employed and Accidents at Mines and Quarries in the United Kingdom, and 94 to the enforcement of the Mines and Quarries Acts.
  58. 54. Mines and Quarries.—Copy of General Report and Statistics for the year 1906. Part III., Output; General Report and Statistics relating to the output and value of the Minerals raised in the United Kingdom, the amount and vaule of the Metals produced, and the exports and imports of Minerals.
  59. 55. Reformatory and Industrial Schools (Great Britain).—Copy of Fiftieth Report of His Majesty's Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools for 1906. Part II., General Report and Appendices III. to XI.
  60. 56. Prisons (England and Wales).—Copy of Report of the Commissioners of Prisons and the Directors of Convict Prisons, with Appendices, for the year ended 31st March, 1907.
  61. 57. Police (Metropolis).—Copy of Report of the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for the year 1906.
  62. 58. Tuberculosis (Human and Bovine) (Royal Commission).—Copy of Second Interim Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the relations of Human and Animal Tuberculosis. Part II., Appendix. Vol. III.
  63. 59. Vivisection (Royal Commission).—Copy of Third Report of the Royal Commission on Vivisection, with Appendix (Minutes of Evidence, April to July, 1907).
  64. 60. Factory and Workshop (Tinning of Metals).—Copy of Special Report by Miss A. M. Anderson, Principal Lady Inspector of Factories, and T. M. Legge, esquire, M.D., Medical Inspector of Factories, on Dangerous Processes in the Coating of Metal with Lead; together with a Report by G. E. Duckering, esquire, Inspector of Factories, on an Experimental Investigation into the Conditions of Work in Tinning Workshops.
  65. 61. Building Accidents (Departmental Committee).—Copy of Report of the Departmental Committee upon the Dangers attendant on Building Operations, with draft Regulations, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendices.
  66. 62. Checkweighing in the Iron and Steel Trades (Departmental Committee). 63. 95 —Copy of Report of the Departmental Committee on Checkweighing in the Iron and Steel Trades (with Evidence, etc.).
  67. 63. Women and Children in Public Houses.—Copy of Information obtained from certain Police Forces as to the frequenting of Public Houses by Women and Children.
  68. 64. Explosions (Fishguard Railway Construction Works).—Copy of Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department on the circumstances attending an Explosion which occurred during the operation of thawing gelignite in connection with the construction of the new Great Western Railway line from Clarbeston Road to Fishguard, Pembrokeshire, on 26th February, 1906.
  69. 65. Mines (Royal Commission).—Copy of Minutes of Evidence taken before the Royal Commission on Mines, with Index and Appendices, Vol. II.
  70. 66. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries.—Copy of Agricultural Statistics, 1906, Vol. XLI., Part IV., Colonial and Foreign Statistics, with Index to Vol. XLI.
  71. 67. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries.—Copy of Agricultural Statistics, 1907, Vol. XLII., Part I., Acreage and Live Stock Returns of Great Britain, with Summaries for the United Kingdom.
  72. 68. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries.—Copy of Annual Report of Proceedings under the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, 1875 to 1899, the Merchandise Marks Acts, 1887 to 1894, and other Acts, for the year 1906.
  73. 69. East India (Excise Committee).—Copy of Orders of the Government of India on Chapters XI., XII., and XIII. of the Report of the Excise Committee, 1905–6.
  74. 70. Army (Medical Department).—Copy of Report of the Army Medical Department for the year 1906.
  75. 71. Railway Servants (Hours of Labour).—Copy of Return, in pursuance of Section 4 of The Regulation of Railways Act, 1889, of Railway Servants of certain classes who were on one or more occasions during the months of July and October, 1907, on duty on the Railways of the United Kingdom for more than twelve hours at a time; or who, after being 96 on duty more than twelve hours, were allowed to resume work with less than nine hours' rest.
  76. 72. Railway Servants (Hours of Labour).—Copy of Return, in pursuance of Section 4 of The Regulation of Railways-Act, 1889, of Railway Servants of certain, classes who were on one or more occasions during the three months ended 30th September, 1907, on duty on the Railways of the United Kingdom for more than twelve hours at a time; or who, after being on duty more than twelve hours, were allowed to resume work with less than nine hours' rest. Part I., Returns of Accidents.
  77. 73. Railway Accidents.—Copy of Returns of Accidents and Casualties as reported to the Board of Trade by the several Railway Companies in the United Kingdom during the six months ended 30th June, 1907, together with Reports of the Inspecting Officers of the Railway Department to the Board of Trade upon certain Accidents which were inquired into.
  78. 74. Statistical Abstract (British Empire).—Copy of Statistical Abstract for the British Empire in each year from 1892 to 1906. Fourth Number.
  79. 75. International Exhibitions Committee.—Copy of Report of the Committee appointed by the Board of Trade to make inquiries with reference to the Participation of Great Britain in Great International Exhibitions, with Minutes of Evidence, Appendices, and Index.
  80. 76. Conciliation and Arbitration Boards.—Copy of Report of the Labour Department of the Board of Trade on Rules of Voluntary Conciliation and Arbitration Boards and Joint Committees.
  81. 77. Options and Futures (Legislation respecting).—Copy of Report from His Majesty's Ambassador to the United States of America on Legislation respecting Gambling in Options and Futures.
  82. 78. Foreign Import Duties, 1907.—Copy of Statement of the Rates of Import Duties levied in European Countries, Egypt, the United States, Mexico, Japan, China, and Persia upon the Produce and Manufactures of the United Kingdom.
  83. 97
  84. 79. Cost of Living of the Working Classes.—Copy of Report of an Inquiry by the Board of Trade into Working Class Rents, Housing, and Retail Prices, together with the Standard Rates of Wages prevailing in certain occupations in the principal Industrial Towns of the United Kingdom, with an Introductory Memorandum.
  85. 80. Mercantile Marine (Seamen Employed).—Copy of Return of the Number, Ages, Ratings, and Nationalities of the Seamen employed on the 4th April, 1906, on Vessels registered under Part I. of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, in the British Islands.
  86. 81. Trade with New Zealand.—Copy of Report upon the Conditions and Prospects of British Trade in New Zealand by the Advisory Committee on Commercial Intelligence by the Board of Trade, based on information collected by their Commissioner, Mr. R. J. Jeffray.
  87. 82. Trade with Canada.—Copy of Report upon the Conditions and Prospects of British Trade in Canada, by Mr. Richard Grigg, Special Commissioner of the Advisory Committee to the Board of Trade on Commercial Intelligence.
  88. 83. Servia (New Customs Tariff).—Copy of Translation of the New Customs Tariff of Servia, as modified by Commercial Treaties with the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, and Turkey; together with the Tariff of Servian Duties known as "Trosharina."
  89. 84. Light Railways Act, 1896.—Copy of Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and confirmed by the Board of Trade, amending The Holmfield and Southowram Light Railway Orders of 1902 and of 1905 (Holmfield and Southowram Light Railway (Extension of Time) Order, 1907).
  90. 85. Light Railways Act, 1896.—Copy of. Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and confirmed by the Board of Trade, amending the Headcorn and Maidstone Junction Light Railway Order, 1906 (Headcorn and Maidstone Junction Light Railway (Amendment) Order, 1907).
  91. 86. Light Railways Act, 1896.—Copy of Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and modified and con- 98 firmed by the Board of Trade, authorising the construction of Light Railways in the urban district of Colwyn Bay and Colwyn, in the county of Denbigh, in extension of the light railways authorised by the Llandudno and Colwyn Bay Light Railway Order, 1898, and amending the said Order, and the Llandudno and Colwyn Bay Light Railway (Deviation and Amendment) Order, 1903 (Llandudno and Colwyn Bay Light Railway (Extension and Amendment) Order, 1907).
  92. 87. Light Railways Act, 1896.—Copy of Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and modified and confirmed by the Board of Trade, amending the borrowing powers of the Southwold Railway Company, and for other purposes (Southwold Light Railway (Borrowing Powers, etc.) Order, 1907).
  93. 88. Light Railways Act, 1896.—Copy of Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and confirmed by the Board of Trade, extending the borrowing powers of the Kent and East Sussex Light Railway Company (Kent and East Sussex Light Railway (Further Borrowing Powers) Order, 1907).
  94. 89. Light Railways Act, 1896.—Copy of Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and modified and confirmed by the Board of Trade, authorising the transfer to the Great Western Railway Company of the powers conferred on the Callington Light Railway Company by The Callington Light Railway Order, 1900, as amended by The Callington Light Railway (Extension of Time) Order, 1903, and reviving the powers granted and extending the period limited by the said Orders for the compulsory purchase of lands, and extending the period limited by the said Orders for the completion of the Railway and Works thereby authorised (Callington Light Railway (Amendment and Transfer) Order, 1907).
  95. 90. Light Railways Act 1896.—Copy of Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and modified and confirmed by the Board of Trade, transferring to a Company the powers conferred upon the Rural District Councils of Escrick and of Riccall by The Derwent Valley Light Railway Order, 1902, and amending that Order (Derwent Valley 99 Light Railway (Transfer, etc.) Order, 1907.
  96. 91. Light Railways Act, 1896.—Copy of Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and confirmed by the Board of Trade, amending The Dartford District Light Railways Order, 1903 (Dartford District Light Railways (Amendment and Extension of Time) Order, 1907).
  97. 92. Light Railways Act, 1896.—Copy of Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and modified and confirmed by the Board of Trade, authorising the East and West Yorkshire Union Railways Company to exercise further borrowing powers (East and West Yorkshire Union Light Railway (Borrowing Powers) Order, 1907).
  98. 93. Light Railways Act, 1896.—Copy of Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and modified and confirmed by the Board of Trade, authorising the construction of additional Light Railways in the borough of Maidstone (Maidstone Corporation Light Railways (Extensions) (No. 2) Order, 1907).
  99. 94. Light Railways Act, 1896.—Copy of Order made by the Light Railway Commissioners, and modified and confirmed by the Board of Trade, reviving the powers granted and extending the period limited by The Cromarty and Dingwall Light Railway Order, 1902, for the compulsory purchase of Lands, and extending the period limited by that Order for the completion of the Railway and Works by that Order authorised, and authorising a deviation of part of the said Railway, and the compulsory purchase of certain Lands for the purposes of the said Railway, and Works (Cromarty and Dingwall Light Railway (Extension of Time, Deviation, and Amendment) Order, 1907).
  100. 95. Irish Land Commission (Proceedings).—Copy of Return of Proceedings of the Irish Land Commission under the Land Law Acts, the Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1891, and the Land Purchase Acts, during the months of July, August, September, October, and November, 1907.
  101. 96. Irish Land Commission.—Copy of Return of Advances made under The 100 Irish Land Act, 1903, during the month of January, 1907.
  102. 97. Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1887 (Eviction Notices).—Copy of Return under Section 7 of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1887, of the number of Eviction Notices filed in the High Court of Justice and County Courts in Ireland during the quarter ended on the 30th September, 1907.
  103. 98. Banking, Railway, and Shipping Statistics (Ireland).—Copy of Report on the Banking, Railway, and Shipping Statistics of Ireland for the half-year ended 30th June, 1907.
  104. 99. Evictions (Ireland),—Copy of Return of Evictions in Ireland for the quarter ended 30th September, 1907.
  105. 100. National Education (Ireland).—Copy of Appendix to the Seventy-third Report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, being for the year 1906–7. Section II.
  106. 101. National Education (Ireland).—Copy of Appendix to the Seventy-third Report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, being for the year 1906–7. Section III.
  107. 102. Agricultural Statistics (Ireland).—Copy of Abstracts showing the acreage under Crops and the number of Live Stock in each county and province of Ireland, for the year 1906–7.
  108. 103. Agricultural Statistics (Ireland).—Copy of Agricultural Statistics of Ireland, with detailed Report for the year 1906.
  109. 104. Agricultural Statistics (Ireland).—Copy of Return of Prices of Crops, Live Stock, and other Irish Agricultural Products for the year 1906.
  110. 105. Irish Railways (Viceregal Commission).—Copy of Second Report of the Viceregal Commissioners on Irish Railways, and Appendix.
  111. 106. Congested Districts Board (Ireland).—Copy of Sixteenth Report of the Congested Districts Board (Ireland), being for the year ending 31st March, 1907.
  112. 107. Inebriates Acts (Ireland).—Copy of Third Report, with Appendices, of the Inspector for Ireland under the Inebriates Acts, 1879 to 1900, being for the year 1906.
  113. 101
  114. 108. National Education (Ireland).—Copy of Section I. of the Appendix to the Seventy-third Report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, for the year 1906–7.
  115. 109. Lunacy (Ireland).—Copy of Fifty-sixth Report, with Appendices, of Inspectors of Lunatics (Ireland), for the year 1906.
  116. 110. Births, Deaths, and Marriages.—Copy of Sixty-ninth Annual Report of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England and Wales, 1906.
  117. 111. Peterhead Harbour.—Copy of Reports respecting Peterhead Harbour Works.
  118. 112. North Sea Fisheries Investigation Committee.—Copy of Second Report (Southern Area) on Fishery and Hydro-graphical Investigations in the North Sea and adjacent waters, 1904–5. Part I.
  119. 113. Board of Education (Special Reports).—Copies of Special Reports on Educational Subjects. Vol.18. The Education and Training of the French Primary School Teacher. Vol.19. School Training for the Home Duties of Women. Vol. 21. School Excursions and Vacation Schools.
  120. 114. Board of Education.—Copies of Reports from Universities and University Colleges in Great Britain participating in the Parliamentary Grant, 1907.
  121. 115. Board of Education.—Copy of Report on Charitable Endowments appropriated to elementary education in the administrative county of Kent.
  122. 116. Board of Education.—Copy of Official Correspondence relating to the payment of Teachers' Salaries in Merionethshire.
  123. 117. Board of Education.—Copy of General Report on the Instruction and Training of Pupil Teachers in Wales (Including Monmouthshire).
  124. 118. Board of Education.—Copy of Statistics of Public Education in England and Wales, 1905–6–7.
  125. 119. Board of Education.—Copy of Regulations providing for Special Grants in aid of certain Local Education Authorities in England and Wales, 1907–8.
  126. 102
  127. 120. Board of Education.—Copy of Report of the Board of Education for the year 1906–7.
  128. 121. Board of Education.—Copy of Building Regulations for Secondary Schools and Pupil Teacher Centres, being principles to be observed in designing and fitting up new buildings, rules as to construction, etc., and certain requirements as to Plans Specifications, and Estimates.
  129. 122. Education (Scotland).—Copy of Memorandum on the Study of History in Scottish Schools.
  130. 123. Secondary Education (Scotland).—Copy of Report on Secondary Education in Scotland for the year 1907, by J. Struthers, esquire, C.B., LL.D.
  131. 124. Fishery Board (Scotland).—Copy of Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland, being for the year 1906. Part III. Scientific Investigations.
  132. 125. Inebriates Acts (Inspector's Report) (Scotland).—Copy of Report of the Inspector for Scotland under the Inebriates Acts for the year 1906.
  133. 126. Unemployed Workmen Act, 1905.—Copy of Report of the Local Government Board for Scotland as to the proceedings of Distress Committees in Scotland for the year ended 15th May, 1907.
  134. 127. Judicial Statistics (Scotland).—Copy of Report on the Judicial Statistics of Scotland for the year 1906.
  135. 128. House-letting (Scotland) (Departmental Committee).—Copy of Report to the Secretary for Scotland of the Departmental Committee on House-letting in Scotland. Vol. II. Minutes of Evidence, Appendices, and Index.

Ordered, That the said Papers do lie upon the Table.

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