MR. DUNDAS WHITE (Dumbartonshire)To ask the Secretary for Scotland with reference to the property near Greenock of about 48 acres, of which the annual value for rating was entered in the assessor's roll at £75, and of which 10 acres, together with 4¾ acres of the foreshore, were recently purchased by the Admiralty for £27,225, if he can say what is now taken as the annual value for rating of these 10 acres, and what is now taken as the annual value for rating of the remainder of the property formerly entered at £75 a year.
(Answered by Mr. Sinclair.) I have been in communication with the assessor on the point raised by my honourable friend, and am informed that returns of the values of the separated subjects have not yet been sent to him, and I am therefore unable at present to give the information desired.