HC Deb 20 February 1908 vol 184 c992
MR. O'MALLEY (Galway, Connemara)

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, whether he is aware that Captain the Hon. J. Campbell, eldest son of Lord Stratheden and Campbell, when out cock-shooting with three others on his property in Moycullen, County Galway, on the 6th instant, deliberately shot dead five or six goats, the property of his tenants; whether in this outrage he was aided by a Mr. De Caen, whose father was recently appointed a magistrate for the district; whether the police have reported this outrage to the authorities; and, if so, what steps will be taken to punish the perpetrators.

(Answered by Mr. Cherry.) The police have no direct knowledge of this matter, but they have ascertained on inquiry that the facts are substantially as stated in the Question. It is alleged that the goats, of which there were a large number, were trespassing in Lord Campbell's plantation and doing considerable injury. The case is not, in my opinion, one for criminal proceedings, and it has not been reported as an outrage. Of course the owners of the goats could take civil proceedings if so advised. The police, however, have learnt that Captain Campbell has offered to compensate the owners, and has already given compensation for two of the goats.