HC Deb 20 February 1908 vol 184 cc1017-8
SIR SCOTT ROBERTSON (Bradford, Central)

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether an expedition has been sent from Nairobi to put down an alleged rising of the natives in British East Africa; if he can say what is the extent and character of this rising, and its causes; what are the precise objects of the expedition in question, and what force is likely to be employed; and generally whether Parliament can he supplied with further information on the whole subject.


On 11th January Mr. Northcote, one of the Assistant District Commissioners of the Protectorate, was attacked by natives at Kisii and wounded by a spear. Subsequently several clans in the neighbourhood broke out in open revolt and two Indians and one Kavirondo were murdered. Fifty police and a doctor were despatched as soon as possible to the spot, and were followed by three companies of the King's African Rifles. The operations were not of a serious nature and came to an end on 6th February. One company and two officers were to remain at Kisii, and the rest of the force was to return to Nairobi on 12th February.