HC Deb 19 February 1908 vol 184 cc794-5
MR. C. B. HARMSWORTH (Worcestershire, Droitwich)

To ask the Under - Secretary of State for the Colonies, whether under the terms of the Nyasaland concession to the British Central Africa Company, it is proposed to transfer certain lands in the Chiladzulu, Ingludi, and Malabri districts, at present in the occupation of natives, to the British Central Africa Company; whether the native rights to these lands was recognised at the time that the Protectorate was declared; whether the natives themselves have recently sent in a petition that the land in question should not be alienated; and whether, having regard to the circumstances of the case, the Government will see that the land is maintained as a Native Reserve.

(Answered by Mr. Churchill.) The Secretary of State has not heard of any concession from the Government to the British Central Africa Company. Apparently the districts mentioned are part of those out of which lands may eventually be granted in certain circumstances to the Shire Highlands Railway Company. No petition on the subject has at present reached the Colonial Office, but in any case Native rights or interests will be carefully safeguarded, and nothing will be finally settled without a full Report from the Governor.