§ Resolutions reported from the Select Committee.—1. "That, in the case of the Camborne Water, Petition for leave to deposit a Petition for Bill, the Standing 655 Orders ought to be dispensed with: That the parties be permitted to deposit their Petition for a Bill." 2. "That, in the case of the Lower Thames (Grays) Dock, Petition for Bill, the Standing Orders ought to be dispensed with: That the parties be permitted to proceed with their Bill." 3. "That, in the case of the Dover Graving Docks, Petition for Bill, the Standing Orders ought to be dispensed with: That the parties be permitted to proceed with their Bill." 4. "That, in the case of the Margate Corporation Bill, Petition for Additional Provision, the Standing Orders ought to be dispensed with: That the promoters have leave to insert the additional Provision if the Committee on the Bill think fit." 5. "That, in the case of the Humber Commercial Railway and Dock Bill, Petition for dispensing with Standing Order 128 in the case of the Petition of the 'Grimsby Rural District Council' against the Bill, the said Standing Order ought to be dispensed with."
§ Resolutions agreed to.