§ Considered in Committee.
§ (In the Committee.)
§ Mr. Emmott (Oldham) in the Chair.
§ MR. A. J. BALFOUR (City of London)If this Resolution only dealt with the salaries of the new officials to be created for the purpose of working the provisions of this Bill, I should certainly discuss them myself, as far as I could, and oppose' the further progress of the Resolution; but it also contains certain provisions for aiding small holdings and dealing with the difficulties of crofting areas in Scotland, and in these circumstances, so far as I am concerned, I see no reason why we should spend any fraction of the very short time that the Government has allocated to this Bill in discussing the Resolution. I recommend, therefore, my friends to offer no opposition.
Resolved, that for carrying out the provisions of any Act of the present session to encourage the formation of Small Agricultural Holdings in Scotland, it is expedient to authorise—(i) the payment out of the Consolidated Fund of the salaries of the chairman and of each of the other members of the Land Court; (ii) the payment out of moneys provided by Parliament, of—(a) the salaries and remuneration of the Agricultural Commissioners and other persons appointed or employed by them and by the Land Court, and the expenses incurred by the Land Court and the Agricultural Commissioners in the execution of their duties; (b) an annual sum not exceeding eighty-five thousand pounds for the use of the Agricultural Commissioners; (c) compensation in certain cases to members and officers of the Crofters Commission.—(Mr. Sinclair.)
§ Resolution to be reported To-morrow.