HC Deb 18 February 1908 vol 184 c612
MR. HART-DAVIES (Hackney, N.)

To ask the Secretary of State for India if he can give the number of local district boards in the Bombay Presidency and their names; the number of members on each board, distinguishing between officials nominated and elected; the area in square miles of the jurisdiction of each board; and the amount of money placed at the disposal of each board for each year during the last five years for which figures are obtainable.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Morley.) I shall be happy to send my hon. friend the Annual Reports for the five years ending 1905–6, published by the Government of Bombay, on the working of district boards in the Presidency, which give for each district and sub-district board the information he desires. I append a summary of the figures for the Presidency as a whole.

persons insured, (2) the number compensated. (3) receipts from all sources, (4) contributions from employers, contributions from employees, contributions from the State, (5) amount of expenses incurred, (6) amount of accumulated funds, and (7) average compensation per case.