HC Deb 13 February 1908 vol 184 cc200-1

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can give the House any information as to the occurrences in connection with the occupation by Turkish troops of the Persian town of Suj Bulak; whether the Turkish troops have been removed from the town and district; and what progress is being made by the Governments of Great Britain and Russia in their efforts to secure a speedy delimitation of the frontier between Turkey and Persia.


According to telegraphic reports received from His Majesty's Consul-General at Tabriz, who is at present at Urumia, the Persian Governor-General evacuated Suj Bulak on or about 25th January, and the Turkish troops entered the town the next day; but the accounts of the incidents which preceded and gave rise to these occurrences are conflicting. The Turkish troops are stated by the Porte to have evacuated Suj Bulak and to have retired on Lahidjan, but Turkish troops are still in occupation of Persian territory. A Turco-Persian Frontier Commission is at Urumia. Little progress has yet been made, and the question continues to engage the attention of His Majesty's Government.


Have there been any disturbances recently at Tabriz?


asked for notice of the Question.


I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs when he proposes to issue the map showing the respective spheres of Great Britain and Russia in Persia; and whether the line mentioned in Article 1 of the Anglo-Russian Convention as running through and including certain towns extends only to the town boundary in each case, or whether it has a larger extension.


Two maps were placed in the tea-room early last week. The line includes in the Russian sphere the towns through which it is stated to run, but has no larger extension.