HC Deb 13 February 1908 vol 184 cc195-6
SIR J. HANDLES (Cumberland, Cockermouth)

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, if he can make arrangements for the consideration, by the subsidiary conference contemplated by the resolution carried on 9th May at the Imperial Conference, of the desirability of uniformity, as far as practicable, in the treatment of natural-born subjects of Asiatic descent, as well as the conditions of naturalisation in one part of His Majesty's dominions being made effective in other parts.


The resolution of 9th May to which the hon. Member refers dealt solely with the question of naturalisation, and could not be held to include within its scope the distinct subject of the treatment of natural-born subjects of Asiatic descent.


Would it not come at any rate within the scope of the right hon. Gentleman's consideration whether this particular question should not be dealt with either by that subsidiary conference or by another? The reason I mentioned the subsidiary conference is that there should be no question of naturalised Asiatic subjects being placed in a better position than natural-born Asiatic British subjects.


It is a serious point and it ought to be considered. The machinery of the new Secretariat no doubt lends itself to the consideration of such questions, but whether we can charge it with the specific duty of inquiring into this point I have no authority to pronounce. I will, however, see that the hon. Gentleman's suggestion is not overlooked.