HC Deb 12 February 1908 vol 184 cc48-9

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the traffic in firearms has increased considerably in numerous districts in Ireland since the repeal, in 1906, of the Peace Preservation Act, 1881; that firearms have since been openly on sale throughout Ireland; and that, from the last published Report of the Board of Inland Revenue, it appears that, while the number of 10s. gun-licences issued in Ireland in 1902–1903, 1903–1904, 1904–1905, and 1905–1906 was 18,237, 18,047, 18,484, and 18,877, respectively, the number issued in 1906–1907 was only 19,159, notwithstanding the removal of the restrictions imposed on the possession of arms by the repealed Act of 1881; and, seeing that it is now open to any person to keep a gun within the curtilage of his house and farm without being obliged to take out a 10s. licence, will he say upon whom rests the duty of enforcing the provisions of the Gun Licence Act of 1870, in the event of such person being found carrying a gun outside the curtilage of his house and farm; whether there are any duties imposed on the police in the enforcement of the Act; whether any representations have been made to him that firearms are at present freely obtainable and carried; and whether he will consider the question of introducing legislation having for its object the reenactment of the restrictions and safeguards imposed by the Act of 1881.


There has doubtless been some increase in the traffic in firearms in Ireland, but the police authorities inform me that the increase appears to be not more than would ordinarily follow the removal of a restriction as to carrying arms. Firearms have always been openly on sale in Ireland. The only limitation heretofore was in respect of the persons who might possess them. The figures as to gun licences are correctly quoted from the Report of the Board of Inland Revenue. The duty of enforcing the Gun Licence Act of 1870 rests on the officers of Inland Revenue, but the police co-operate with them under the authority of Section 9 of that Act. Firearms are now freely obtainable in Ireland as elsewhere. That, indeed, is the necessary result of not renewing the Act of 1881. I have already informed the hon. Member that it is not intended to re-enact that Act.


Is it not a fact that the number of shooting outrages has increased very largely since we refused to renew this Act?


The number of shooting outrages has increased during the last month or so, but the figures are not larger than they have been at previous times in Irish history, and it would not be safe to connect the two facts.