HC Deb 12 February 1908 vol 184 c23
SIR HOWARD VINCENT (Sheffield Central)

To ask the Prime Minister, if he is aware that the cost of flour in Sheffield, Leeds, and other large cities, has increased during the past year by from 8s. to 9s. per sack, inflicting thereby an increase of from 20 to 30 per cent. in the cost of the loaf baked at home, usual in Yorkshire; and what steps he has taken, is taking, or, in view of the anticipated further rise, proposes to take to develop the sources of supply of wheat and flour in the United Kingdom, and elsewhere under the flag, so as to free this prime necessary of life from the manipulations of foreigners to the detriment of our own people.

(Answered by Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman.) The hon. and gallant Member appears to regard me as being in some way responsible for the failure of the harvest to which the increase in the price of flour is due. I know of no method of counteracting such failure; nor do I understand how the imposition of a duty on foreign corn would bring relief to those who are suffering from the high price of flour.