HC Deb 10 February 1908 vol 183 cc1367-9
MR. REMNANT (Finsbury, Holborn)

To ask the President of the Board of Trade what were the average prices of

(A.) Statement showing the Average Price of Wheat per Imperial Quarter in England and Wales, France, and Germany during each month of the year, 1907.
Month. England and Wales (Gazette Average Price of British Wheat.) France (Official Average). Germany (Average Price).
s. d. s. d. s. d.
January 26 1 39 7 38 2
February 26 6 39 7 39 1
March 26 9 40 0 39 4
April 26 8 38 9 40 5
May 28 1 40 3 43 6
June 31 6 42 6 44 9
July 32 2 44 0 45 6
August 33 6 42 7 45 4
September 31 7 39 10 47 0
October 33 11 39 10 48 10
November 35 3 40 2 48 4
December 33 7 39 6 46 2
Mean for the year 30 7 40 7 43 10

wheat in France and Germany for each of the months of the year 1907, and also at Liverpool and on Mark Lane for the same periods.

(Answered by Mr. Lloyd-George.) The following statements contain the information desired by the hon. Member as far as it can be given. In Statement A the French and German prices of wheat are compared with the Gazette average price of British wheat in England and Wales. Statement B is a comparison of prices at London, Liverpool, Berlin, and Paris, the London price being the Gazette average for British wheat on the London market, and the Liverpool price the monthly mean of the quotations for a representative grade of imported wheat. Liverpool is not a returning market under the "Corn Returns Act."

(B.) Statement showing the Average Price of Wheat per Imperial Quarter at London, Liverpool, Berlin, and Paris during each month of the year 1907.
Month. London (Gazette Average of British Wheat). Liverpool (mean of Weekly Quotations for "No. 2 Red Winter Wheat") Berlin (Average Price). Paris (Official Average).
s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.
January 27 3 29 6 38 6 40 4
February 27 7 30 4 39 7 40 2
March 28 1 30 0 40 6 40 0
April 27 6 29 8 41 8 39 10
May 29 2 32 2 43 9 41 9
June 32 1 33 8 44 1 44 5
July 33 3 34 11 44 10 46 6
August 33 1 33 11 45 9 43 9
September 32 9 36 4 48 2 40 6
October 35 5 39 6 48 11 39 3
November 36 6 38 5 48 5 38 5
December 35 6 37 1 46 9 38 5
Mean for the year 31 6 33 9 44 3 41 1