MR. GWYNX (Galway)To ask the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland), what steps, if any, are being taken to deal with the American gooseberry mildew under the Destructive Insects Act; if the Board will publish returns showing the injury being done by this pest in various counties; and whether the Board are taking steps to prevent the introduction into Ireland, by the import of diseased seed potatoes, of the new potato disease known as black scab (chrysophlyctis endobiotica).
(Answered by Mr. T. W. Russell.) The Department have drafted an Order dealing with American gooseberry mildew 1381 under the Destructive Insects and Pests Acts, which will be issued at an early date. The Department have ascertained that this pest existed in parts of the following counties during the past years: Antrim, Cavan, Clare, Down, Kerry, King's, Kilkenny, Londonderry, Meath, Queen's, Roscommon, Tipperary, N.B., Tipperary, S.R., Tyrone, Water-ford, and Wexford. The Department are not aware of the existence in Ireland of the disease known as black scab in potatoes; but they have taken steps to warn the recently appointed seed inspectors to watch for and report any case which may come under their notice.