§ MR. A. ROCHE (Cork)To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he will consider the advisability of reducing the cost of the certificate of age required from students attending intermediate examinations from its present price of 3s. 6d. to 6d., the price paid for certificates accepted by the National Board, seeing that many of the students attending intermediate schools are the children of very poor parents, and that the price of books, &c, is a heavy tax on them.
(Answered by Mr. Birrell.) In reply to a somewhat similar Question on 27th June, 1906, my predecessor pointed out that the charge of 3s. 7d. for a certificate of birth is a fixed statutory charge, but that the Commissioners of Intermediate Education had signified their desire for legislation which would have the effect of lowering the charge for certificates procured for the purposes of their examinations. Mr. Bryce promised that the question of legislation would receive the consideration of the Government when a suitable opportunity should arise. No such opportunity has yet arisen.