§ THE CHAIRMAN OF WAYS AND MEANS (Mr. EMMOTT,), Oldhamin moving an Amendment to Standing Order 98, explained that its object was to provide that the Chairman of the Standing Orders Committee should no longer be an ex officio member of the Committee of Selection. The work of the latter body had increased so enormously of late that the Chairman of the Standing Orders Committee had found it impossible to attend the meetings. The proposal had the approval of the right hon. Gentleman the Member for 689 the Rushcliffe Division of Nottinghamshire (Chairman of the Standing Orders Committee) and the right hon. Gentleman the Member for North Norfolk, who was Chairman of the Committee of Selection last year, and in these circumstances he asked the House to adopt it.
Standing Order 98 was read and amended, in line 2, by leaving out from the first word "of," to the word "Members," in line 3, and by inserting the word "Eleven," instead thereof.—(The Chairman of Ways and Means.)
Police and Sanitary Committee. Ordered, That the Committee of Selection do nominate a Committee, not exceeding Twelve Members, to be called the Police and Sanitary Committee, to whom shall be committed all Private Bills promoted by municipal and other local authorities by which it is proposed to create powers relating to Police or Sanitary Regulations in conflict with, deviation from, or excess of the provisions of the general Law.
Ordered, That Standing Orders 150 and 173a apply to all such Bills.
Ordered, That the Committee have power to send for persons, Papers, and records.
Ordered, That Four be the quorum of the Committee.
Ordered, That if the Committee shall report to the Committee of Selection that any Clauses of any Bill referred to them (other than Clauses containing police and sanitary regulations) are such as having regard to the terms of reference it is not in their opinion necessary or advisable for them to deal with, the Committee of Selection shall thereupon refer the Bill to a Select Committee, who shall consider those Clauses and so much of the Preamble of the Bill as relates thereto, and shall determine the expenditure (if any) to be authorised in respect of the parts of the Bill referred 690 to them. That the Committee shall deal with the remaining Clauses of such Bill, and so much of the Preamble as relates thereto, and shall determine the period and mode of repayment of any money authorised by the Select Committee to be borrowed and shall report the whole Bill to the House, stating in their Report what parts of the Bill have been considered by each Committee.
Ordered, That the Committee have power, if they so determine, to sit as two Committees, and in that event to apportion the Bills referred to the Committee between the two Committees, each of which shall have the full powers of, and be subject to the instructions which apply to, the undivided Committee, and that Four be the quorum of each of the two Committees.—(Mr. Herbert Samuel.)