HC Deb 03 February 1908 vol 183 c529
MR. TREVELYAN (Yorkshire, W. R., Elland)

I beg to ask the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether the attention of the Board of Agriculture has been called to the fact that circulars have been issued by some county and parish councils inviting applications for small holdings and allotments under the limited provisions of the Act of 1892, which require the purchase of the land by the small holder, and ignoring the provisions for leasing land under the Act of 1907; and whether, in view of the discouraging effect which this may have on many would-be applicants, the Board will take steps to advise the councils to advertise the whole of the opportunities available under the new Act of 1907.


Our attention has been directed to one instance in which circulars have been issued by a parish council which is open to the objection to which my hon. friend refers, and we are in communication with the county council respecting it. So far as our information goes the case is an exceptional one, but if others come under our notice we shall be glad to give effect to the suggestion of my hon. friend.