HC Deb 17 December 1908 vol 198 cc2093-4
MR. MCARTHUR (Liverpool, Kirkdale)

To ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether the salary grievances caused by retardation of promotion in the past and the absence of reasonable prospects of promotion in the future, as represented by deputations of examining officers, second class, to the Board of Customs on 6th November, 1907, and to the Financial Secretary to the Treasury on 25th June, 1908, are to be redressed by the concession of a service scale of pay; if the present classification is to be continued, what provision is to be made for the advancement of those examining officers who have performed twenty-five years service, and are still waiting for the opportunity of qualifying for the grade of examining officer, first class; whether examinations for advancement to that grade are in future to be held annually in April, as prescribed by the regulations; and, in that event, will he state the number of vacancies estimated to occur in the first class in the years 1909, 1910, 1911, and 1912, respectively.

(Answered by Mr. Hobhouse.) As I explained to the hon. Member, in answer to his Question of 13th May last, I intend to deal with these matters at the same time that the arrangements required by the transfer of the Excise staff to the Customs service come under review. I hope to be able to give my attention closely to this subject in the early part of next session, but meanwhile, I regret that I am unable to make any announcement.