HC Deb 17 December 1908 vol 198 cc2082-3

TO ask the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether his attention has been called to the case of Mr. George Jones, a carrier, living at Drayton St. Leonards, near Oxford, who on 23rd November was threatened with eviction from his cottage, and the consequent loss of his living, on account of his having applied for land under the Small Holdings Act; whether he is aware that Mr. Allnutt, the farmer who used these threats, has already a separate farm of nearly 300 acres, in addition to the piece of land of 85 acres of which it is proposed to take a part for the purpose of the Small Holdings Act, and that, after the date of Mr. Jones' application, he made arrangements to have the cottage occupied by Mr. Jones let to him as part of his farm, presumably in order to exercise this pressure and thus prevent the working of the Act; whether he has yet made inquiries into the matter; and what steps he proposes to take.

(Answered by Sir Edward Strachey.) The President has had inquiry made into this case, and he very greatly regrets to find that the facts are substantially as stated in the Question, and that in order further to intimidate this applicant for a small holding Mr. Allnutt, of Drayton, threatened to run a carrier's business to compete with the applicant's business. Steps are being taken with a view to provide this applicant with a holding without delay, and if land for the purpose cannot be obtained voluntarily the President will see that it is obtained compulsorily.