HC Deb 17 December 1908 vol 198 cc2096-7

To ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the failure of the attempt made in 1882 to bring about a closer union between the Customs and the Excise was due to the continued opposition of the higher officials in the former Department; whether the higher officials in the Customs receive larger salaries and have less arduous duties than the corresponding officials in the Excise; and whether he will afford an opportunity to those examining officers of Customs who believe that an Excise classification would remove most of their grievances, without any increase in the Revenue Estimates, to place before him such facts as might tend to facilitate the amalgamation of the two Departments.

(Answered by Mr. Lloyd-George.) I have no information before me which bears out the suggestions made in the first and second paragraphs of the Question. But I should welcome any plan which will facilitate the economical amalgamation of the Departments of Customs and Excise, and if the officers referred to by the hon. Member will place their views before me in writing I shall be happy to consider them.