HC Deb 10 December 1908 vol 198 cc775-6
SIR F. BANBURY (City of London)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether it has been reported to him that four bullocks driven off the farm of Carrowmore, in the Geevagh district, County Sligo, on the night of the 11th November, were found next day sunk in a bog hole; that two of the animals were completely blinded in both eyes, apparently by the blows of sticks, that one was blinded in one eye, and the fourth was badly injured in the hind leg, and that all had to be destroyed; whether he is aware that the Misses Frazer, two elderly maiden ladies, who own this farm, have been boycotted by resolution of the Geevagh branch of the United Irish League, and while persons were prohibited from taking the grazing on the Misses Frazer's property under the advice of the League several persons drove their cattle on to the lands, and proceedings had to be taken against them for trespass; and whether any criminal proceedings have been, or are to be, instituted against the persons responsible for these outrages.


I have already slated, in reply to a Question asked by the hon. Member on the 26th ultimo, that these four bullocks were driven off the farm in question on 11th November, and found in a bog hole. When found two of them were completely, and one partially, blinded apparently by blows of sticks. The four were sold for £16. The ladies who own the farm have been partially boycotted, and various persons have been deterred from taking grazing from them. Cattle have repeatedly been found trespassing on their lands, which are un-fenced, and civil proceedings were recently taken against some of the owners. No criminal proceedings have been instituted, as the police have not yet been able to obtain the necessary evidence.


asked why these particulars were not forthcoming when he put the Question on November 26th, and would the right hon. Gentleman take steps to prevent such gross cruelty to animals in the future?


I gave all the in formation I had at the time. As to taking steps to prevent this atrocious cruelty, if the hon. Baronet can give me any information he may rely I will act on it.

MR. CREAN (Cork, S.E.)

Is this farm situated in the City of London?