§ MR. DELANYTo ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he is aware of the action of the two chief inspectors of the National Board for years towards many of the twenty or so organisers who are subject to their authority; is he aware that some of these organisers have been obliged to leave the service by the treatment to which they have been subjected; that many others find it almost impossible to do their work satisfactorily owing to the 732 character of the letters that are being constantly sent them; and whether he will call the attention of the Commissioners to the necessity of obliging their two chief inspectors to adopt a more considerate attitude towards their subordinates.
(Answered by Mr. Birrell.) The Commissioners of National Education are not aware that any of their organisers have been obliged to leave the service owing to the action of the chief inspectors or that there is any good ground for the other complaints referred to in the Question.