HC Deb 07 December 1908 vol 198 cc84-5

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland what was the price paid by the Congested Districts Board (Scotland) for the land at North Bay, in the Island of Barra, in the outer Hebrides, which was purchased by that Board and subsequently sold to the tenants; in what year was the land so sold; on what principle were the annual payments agreed on; how were the crofts laid out; for how many years were these annual payments to be made without re-valuation or variation; whether he is aware that there has been a total failure of the potato crop in North Bay and that the fishing industry, on which the crofters have mainly relied for a livelihood, has this year been unproductive; that nine crofters, who have been reduced to the deepest distress, have been summoned by the Congested Districts Board for non-payment of the arrears of their annual payments before the sheriff-substitute, to a Court to be held at Loch Maddy, a great distance from North Bay attendance at which will entail great inconvenience, expense, and difficulty; and whether, having regard to the fact that these men have been placed in their present difficulties by the failure of their crops and the bad fishing season, and through no fault of their own, the Congested Districts Board will stay proceedings against them till they are in a position to meet these charges, seeing that the present proceedings if carried out must involve them in destitution.


The price paid by the Congested Districts Board for the lands near Northbay in Barra was £7,500. These lands (except a house and grounds rented at £25) were re-sold in small holdings to the fifty-eight original purchasers for £5,512 10s. at Whit-Sunday, 1902. The price, principal and interest at 2f per cent. is repayable by annuities of equal amounts for fifty years. The annuities for the various holdings are—

£ s. d.
Twenty at £5 100 0 0
Five at £4 10s. 22 10 0
Thirty-two at £2 10s. 80 0 0
One at £1 13s. 4d. 1 13 4
204 3 4

The holdings were laid out by Mr. P. B. Macintyre, of the Crofters Commission, and Mr. John Taylor, land surveyor. The transaction being one of sale and the price being payable by instalments agreed upon, there is no ground for re-valuation. After the most careful deliberation it has been determined to take action against those whose arrears have accumulated for several years, and I am unable to accept the view of the hon. Member that proceedings should be stayed.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the destitute condition of these people and are these proceedings calculated to deprive them of their homes?


The circumstances are well known to the Congested Districts Board who have taken this action after the most careful consideration.


Are these really ejectment processes?


Preliminary steps only have been taken. It will depend on future events what further steps may be necessary.

MR. FLAVIN (Kerry, N.)

Is the principal and interest combined repayable by annuities at 2¾ per cent?


The principal and interest stand at 2¾ per cent. and the whole sum is repayable in instalments extending over fifty years.


Then at what rate is it?


asked for notice.