HC Deb 03 December 1908 vol 197 cc1695-7
MR. KETTLE (Tyrone, E.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can now state how many new inspectorships are to be created by the Commissioners of Intermediate Education in Ireland; what will be the duties, powers, and emoluments of the inspectors; and how many women inspectors will be appointed.


The Commissioners of Intermediate Education have now been authorised to appoint six inspectors, and propose to exercise that power. They inform me that they do not intend to include women among the first six appointments. A statement of the powers, duties and emoluments of the inspectors cannot well be compressed within the limits of an oral reply, but I will communicate with the hon. Member on the subject.

MR. HAZLETON (Galway, N.)

Have the Board given any reasons for not appointing any women inspectors among the first six?


I do not think they have. Everybody knows that this is a controversial subject, although I take the view that women should, as far as possible, be appointed to inspect girls' schools. Still, I cannot enforce my views on the Board.


Wills the right hon. Gentleman ask the Board for the reason?


Yes, I will.


I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he can state now whether certain memoranda were presented by persons connected with intermediate education in Ireland to the Commissioners of Intermediate Education demanding the appointment of men only to the new inspectorships; if so, by whom were these memoranda presented; and whether the Commissioners of Intermediate Education propose to entrust male inspectors with the duty of inspecting girls' schools.


The Commissioners of Intermediate Education inform me that they have received no demand such as is referred to in the Question. A communication has been received from the principal of one of the leading girls' intermediate schools in Ireland expressing great satisfaction that men only are to be appointed inspectors at first. The Board propose to entrust male inspectors with the duty of inspecting girls' schools. The Board have already for two years entrusted temporary male inspectors with the inspection of girls' schools, and for the past six years the inspection of all girls' schools in connection with the science courses of the Board's programme (domestic economy alone accepted) has been carried on by male inspectors of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction. No objection has been received from the authorities of the girls schools to either of these cases of inspection by men.