HC Deb 01 December 1908 vol 197 cc1252-3

I beg to ask the Undersecretary of State for India whether; the failure of crops in 1907 in the United Provinces resulted in widespread application therein of the Prevention of Famine Code; whether the death rate-during the period of scarcity rose far higher than in ordinary years; whether epidemic disease prevailed to the same extent as during former periods of scarcity and crop failure; and whether many deaths occurred that can rightly be attributed to starvation.


The Answer to the first Question is in the affirmative. The death rate was very slightly in excess fo that for the preceding three years, namely, 36. 47, as compared with 35.95 in the lowest of these years. Cholera and other epidemic diseases were, as in similar seasons of scarcity, more than usually prevalent. Much greater care was taken in regard to medical and sanitary administration. Children and infants came with their parents to the works, and were there carefully fed. Emaciated persons were medically treated and only eleven deaths were attributable to want of food. The Secretary of State proposes shortly to lay on the Table the Report of the Lieutenant-Governor of the United Provinces.


asked whether the hon. Gentleman would recommend to the Government that similar steps should be taken at home.


That is rather outside my province, but I think that the Government of India have shown a good example.

* MR. R. HARCOURT (Montrose Burghs)

Will these Reports be confined to the United Provinces, or will they deal with other parts of India? My hon. friend informed me recently that the whole question was under consideration.


The most important and interesting Report is that of the Lieutenant-Governor of the United Provinces.