HC Deb 30 April 1908 vol 187 c1379

To ask the Secretary of State for War whether, seeing that garrison companies of Auxiliary Forces, Royal Artillery, have, since the 1st of April, become Field Artillery, the permanent staff, such as sergeant-majors, will now receive the same pay as squadron sergeant-majors of Yeomanry; and, if not, whether, looking at the responsible duties of Field Artillery sergeant-majors in connection with field guns, small stores, harness, and rifles, he can see his way to equalising the pay.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.)

The acting sergeant major of a Field Artillery Brigade will get 4s. 3d. a day as against 4s. 4d. paid to a Yeomanry staff-sergeant-major. There is, however, no intention of making cavalry and artillery rates of pay uniform in the Territorial Force any more than they are in the Regular Army.

Item. Page
Non-effective, Class VI., 1 400 481 (Civil Services)
Post Office:
Sub-head: A, 8 £100 93 (Revenue Departments)
Sub-head: C, 5 £1,400 100 (Revenue Departments)
Sub-head: G, 6 £20 110 (Revenue Departments)
Post Office (Savings Banks) 3,400 106 (Revenue Departments)
Telegraph Wires, &c.:
Sub-head P, 5 £5,700 126 (Revenue Departments)
Sub-head T, 3 £1,150 130 (Revenue Departments)
Total 12,170