HC Deb 29 April 1908 vol 187 cc1246-7

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board, if he has seen the statement made at the meeting of the council of the British Dairy Farmers' Association to the effect that 578 cwts. (6,473 gallons) of fresh milk were imported into the United Kingdom during the nine weeks ending 1st February, compared with only 15 cwts. (168 gallons), during the corresponding period of last year; and, if the statement is correct, will he say what steps are being taken to examine the quality and condition of this imported milk?


According to figures which I have obtained from the Commissioners of Customs the quantity of fresh milk imported into the United Kingdom during the nine weeks ended 1st February, 1908, and during those ended 2nd February, 1907, was 499 cwts. and 94 cwts. respectively. Samples of imported milk, at of any other milk, may be taken under the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts with a view to their being analysed and dealt with under those Acts. Moreover, samples of imported milk are from time to time taken by the officers of Customs and sent to the Government Laboratory under the same Acts. If adulteration is discovered, the cases are reported to the Commissioners, who institute legal proceedings where this seems to them desirable. Further, I am arranging to have some samples of imported milk examined as to bacterial contamination and the presence of dirt.


When will the result of the examination be made public?


As soon as it is completed.