HC Deb 28 April 1908 vol 187 cc1093-4
MR. SAMUEL ROBERTS (Sheffield, Ecclesall)

I beg to ask the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the existence of three clubs, viz., the North Brixton Gladstone Club, the North Camberwell Radical Club and Institute, and the West Southwark Liberal and Radical Club, advertised as places of Sunday recreation and entertainment, and to the statement with reference to them that there are special reasons why too much publicity should not be given to casual visitors who have walked a long way, which will not prevent the club being communicated with; and what steps he proposes to take, in the Licensing Bill or otherwise, for the suppression of abuses of this character.


I beg to answer this Question on behalf of my right hon. friend. I am aware that the three clubs named, in common with many others, arrange for entertainments on their premises on Sundays as well as on other days, and advertise accordingly. It seems to me that Sunday as well as weekday recreation is a proper object for a club, provided always that it is not carried to an extent or conducted under conditions amounting to an abuse. I have not been able to identify the particular statement referred to in the question, but if it indicates connivance at breaches of the law in regard to the admission and supply of intoxicating liquor to persons who are not members of the clubs, I may observe that the main, object of the provisions as to clubs contained in the Licensing Bill is to provide better means than exist at present for detecting and punishing improper practices on club premises.