HC Deb 28 April 1908 vol 187 cc1096-7

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether in view of the discrepancies both in form and in method which are at present to be found in the Trade Reports from foreign countries supplied by His Majesty's Consuls, he will, in conference with His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, arrange that this question shall be referred to the Royal Commission recently appointed to examine into the trade accounts between the United Kingdom and foreign countries.


The Departmental Committee which has recently been appointed is to consider a limited subject, viz., how far any change is desirable in the form in which the trade accounts of the United Kingdom are published as regards the countries from which imports are received and to which exports are sent. Instructions, however, have recently been sent to His Majesty's Consular Officers with regard to the form in which statistics should be given in their reports, which it is hoped will meet the object which the hon. Member has in view.