HC Deb 28 April 1908 vol 187 cc1091-2
CAPTAIN FABER (Hampshire, Andover)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he can state the respective populations of the towns of Accrington and Nelson, the number of licences per head of the population in each town, and the number of convictions for drunkenness per head in each town.


The facts which the hon. Member has in mind are to be found set out on pages 226–7 of the Volume of Licensing Statistics for 1907, as follows:—Accrington: Population, according to Census of 1901, 43,122; on-licences per 10,000 persons on 1st January, 1907, 20 .87; convictions for drunkenness per 10,000 persons during the year 1907, 50.09. Nelson: Population, 32,816; on-licences, 4 .37; convictions, 49 .98.

*MR. JOHN RUTHERFORD (Lancashire, Darwen)

How many clubs are there in the town of Nelson?


I will ascertain. I have not the figures here.