HC Deb 06 April 1908 vol 187 cc943-4
MR. J. DEVLIN (Belfast, W.)

I beg to ask the Postmaster-General whether his attention has been called to the case of D. J. Long, a sorter at the South-Western District Post Office, London, who presented himself for examination on 27th February last to Dr. Brabant, the official doctor, who told him that there was not much wrong with him; is he aware than on 29th February, Long was taken ill, and that on 2nd March, Dr. Carmichael certified that Long was suffering from bronchial catarrh, and that Dr. Carmichael's certificate was refused by the Post Office officials, and Long informed that he must see the official doctor at once; whether he is aware that Dr. Carmichael thereupon certified that Long was unable to leave his room, and called in Dr. Charlesworth, who, on 6th March, certified Long as suffering from phthisis, and that on this certificate being forwarded by the postmaster, Mr. Carew, to Dr. Brabant, the latter reported that Long had had a sudden attack the previous week, due to tuberculosis, and that the diagnosis was not good at the time of writing; whether he is aware that Dr. Brabant neither examined Long on 27th February nor visited him at his home, that Long complained to his friends that Dr. Brabant took no interest in him whatever and did not care to see him, and that in January last Long was certified as unfit for work by Dr. Carmichael, whose certificate was not accepted, and two days' pay stopped from Long in consequence, which pay was recently refunded; whether any explanation has been asked of Dr. Brabant in regard to his conduct in the case; and whether any compensation will be made to Long's parents by the Department.


I am making inquiry into the matter, and will communicate the result to the hon. Member.