HC Deb 01 April 1908 vol 187 cc488-90
SIR ROBERT HOBART (Hampshire. New Forest)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War, whether he has received a communication from the Court of Verderers of the New Forest in which they state that, inasmuch as the New Forest cannot lawfully be used for military camps and manæuvres except under the provisions of the Military Manæuvres Act, 1897, they cannot take any steps for facilitating military manæuvres except under that Act; and what course he proposes to take under the circumstances.


The War Office received a communication from the Verderers which was duly forwarded to the Office of Woods and Forests. It is understood that my hon. friend has already received a reply from that office on the subject pointing out that the Verderers are entirely mistaken in their contention.

MR. ASHLEY (Lancashire, Blackpool)

asked whether the right hon. Gentleman was aware that the Act of 1897 expressly stated that no manæuvres could take place in the New Forest without the Verderers being consulted?


As I have already explained, we are not conducting the manæuvres under the Manæuvres Act, but by arrangement with the Commissioners of Woods and Forests.


asked whether, if the manæuvres were not conducted under this Act, the only remedy for any poor commoner whose property was damaged would be long and expensive litigation against the right hon. Gentleman, whereas under the Act, compensation could be received easil;


The hon. Member is quite wrong. We conducted extensive manæuvres last summer in Scotland quite apart from the Manæuvres Act, and most friendly relations obtained between the War Office and everybody else. We paid everybody their claims, and, in addition, we took the stores we wanted from the local people, so that it was far more popular than any arbitrary manæuvres.


asked whether the right hon. Gentleman was aware that clauses were expressly put in the Act of 1897 in order that any manæuvres in the New

Militia. Special Reserve.
Drill on Enlistment. Preliminary Drill. Drill on Enlistment.
Total numbers 5,599 2,418 5,354
Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers 25 41 27
Royal Irish Rifles 117 182 107
Royal Irish Fusiliers 32 11 28

Forest might be carried out in accordance therewith.


said that if they were putting compulsory powers in operation, no doubt that was so; but if they were acting on a friendly agreement with the people concerned they did not need to take that course.


asked whether the right hon. Gentleman had come to a friendly agreement with the hon. Member for the New Forest.


said he had the greatest regard for his hon. friend the Member for the New Forest, but he was not the whole of the public.


No, but he is the official Verderer of the New Forest.