HC Deb 30 May 1907 vol 175 c90
Captain CRAIG (Down, E.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to a conflict which occurred on 13th May at Four Mile House, near Roscommon, between the police and a crowd who assembled to drive the cattle of a farmer, named Owens, of his land, when the police were stoned and the head constable was injured; were any arrests made or have any persons been prosecuted; and, if so, is it proposed to try them in county Roscommon?


On the evening of the 13th May a crowd which had assembled near a farm occupied by Mr. Owen was dispersed by the police. No stones were thrown at this time, but subsequently when some of the police were returning from duty, stones were thrown at them at a place a mile from the scene of the disturbance. The head constable was slightly injured by a stone. Owing to the darkness the police were unable to identify the offenders, and consequently no arrests were made.