HC Deb 29 May 1907 vol 174 cc1624-5

To ask the Secretary of State for India what was the land revenue of the Rawal Pindi district of the Punjab in 1861, 1881, 1901, and according to the new settlement just concluded.

(Answered by Mr. Secretary Morley.) The first regular settlement was not made until 1865. Before that date varying annual settlements were in force. The first year for which figures are available is 1864. It is accordingly shown in the statement below. The assessment made in the regular settlement of 1865 was in force until 1884. The assessment of the second regular settlement continued till 1904—

1864. Summary Settlement. 1881. First Regular Settlement. 1901. Second Regular Settlement. New Settlement.
£29,800 £27,500 £36,400 £45,000

The figures throughout are for the district as now constituted. Rupees have been converted in sterling at the rate of fifteen to £1.