§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDONreported from the Committee of Selection; That they had discharged the following Member from Standing Committee A (in respect of the Public Health Bill):—Mr. Secretary Gladstone; and had appointed in substitution (in respect of the Public Health Bill): Mr. Burns.
§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDONfurther reported from the Committee; That they had added to Standing Committee A the following fifteen Members (in respect of the Public Health Bill):—Mr. Harmood-Banner, Mr. J. W. Wilson, Mr. Staveley-Hill, Mr. Vincent Kennedy, Mr. Corrie Grant, Mr. Hall, Mr. Helme, Mr. Jowett, Mr. Layland-Barratt, Mr. Samuel Roberts, Mr. Robinson, Captain Baring, Mr. Charles Nicholson, Mr. Manfield, and Dr. Macnamara.
§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDONfurther reported from the Committee; That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee B (in respect of the Released Persons (Poor Law Relief) Bill):—Mr. Burns and Dr. Macnamara; and had appointed in substitution (in respect of the Released Persons (Poor Law Relief) Bill): Mr. Secretary Gladstone and Mr. Herbert Samuel.
§ Sir WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDONfurther reported from the Committee; That they had added to Standing Committee B the following fifteen Members (in respect of the Released Persons (Poor Law Relief) Bill):—Mr. Du Cros, Mr. Crooks, Mr. Chaplin, Mr. Steadman, Mr. Bennett, Sir Edward Tennant, Mr. Arnold Herbert, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. T. L. Corbett, Mr. Wiles, Mr. Mackarness, Mr. Marnham, Mr. Duncan Schwann, Viscount Turnour, and Mr. Lynch.
§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDONfurther reported from the Committee; That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee C (in respect of the Vaccination Bill):—Mr. Lloyd-George and Mr. Kearley; and had appointed in substitution (in respect of the Vaccination Bill): Mr. Burns and Dr. Macnamara.
§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDONfurther reported from the Committee; 1480 That they had added to Standing Committee C the following fifteen Members (in respect of the Vaccination Bill):—Mr. Lupton, Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, Mr. Enoch Edwards, Mr. Wedgwood, Captain Kincaid-Smith, Mr. Sears, Mr. Horniman, Sir William Collins, Sir John Tuke, Mr. Cave, Mr. Burdett-Coutts, Mr. Houston, Mr. Walrond, Mr. Ffrench, and Mr. Flavin.
§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDONfurther reported from the Committee; That they had discharged the following Member from Standing Committee A: Mr. Shackleton; and had appointed in substitution: Mr. Macpherson.
§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDONfurther reported from the Committee; That they had discharged the following Member from Standing Committee C: Mr. George Roberts; and had appointed in substitution: Mr. Shackleton.
§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDONfurther reported from the Committee; That they had added the following Member to Standing Committee B: Mr. Henniker Heaton.
§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDONfurther reported from the Committee; That they had discharged the following Member from Standing Committee A: Mr. James Mason; and had appointed in substitution: Mr. Rothschild.
§ SIR WILLIAM BRAMPTON GURDONfurther reported from the Committee; That they had discharged the following Member from Standing Committee B (in respect of the Probation of Offenders (No. 2) Bill): Mr. Bright; and had appointed in substitution (in respect of the Probation of Offenders (No. 2) Bill): Mr. Charles Roberts.
§ Reports to lie upon the Table.