HC Deb 27 May 1907 vol 174 c1330
MR. BOWLES (Lambeth, Norwood)

I beg to ask the Secretary for Scotland, whether the provisions of the Small Landholders (Scotland) Bill are intended by the Government to ensure that every existing small holding in Scotland should fall automatically, in the case of yearly tenancies on the passage of the Bill and in the case of leaseholds on the expiration of the lease, within the operation of the Bill: or whether it is intended that the tenant of any such holding should be free, if he so desires, to continue in his holding after the passage of the Bill on such terms as he may be able, without reference to the Bill, to arrange with his landlord.


The operation of the Bill is intended to be as interpreted in the first portion of the hon. Member's Question; any landholder, however, is entitled upon one year's notice to his landlord to renounce his holding; and it should be borne in mind further, that Section 5 of the Crofters Holdings Act which will apply generally provides for alteration of rent by agreement between landlord and landholder.