CAPTAIN FABERTo ask the Secretary of State for War whether, with regard to the separation of married soldiers of the Scots Greys from their families, owing to there not being sufficient married accommodation at Bulford Camp, he will state the distance by high road, and also by rail, from Bulford to Tidworth; and whether the communication across the downs between those places is only by a track across the downs which is nearly impassable in winter.
(Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) The distance by high road from Bulford to Tidworth is about seven miles and by rail about twenty-six miles. The communication across the downs is by track, a distance of four miles, but in inclement weather it is preferable for wheeled traffic to use the high road. I am, however, at present engaged in considering how the difficulty referred to in the Question can be got over. I am not as yet in a position to make a statement on the subject.